Thursday, 4 December 2008

Got lazy again this week. I WAS doing uber well with the no skiving school thing, but then on monday night I had to go and go to a gig in Birmingham and come out to my mum, all in one night, didn't I. So then there was noo way I was going to school on tuesday. T_T
Worked for me though, because EmJ was ill also (proper ill- not faking like me) so we got to chat most of the day. S'cool.
But yeah... I skived that day, then the next day got up and was like "mbleh, i cba with this." I told my mum I had stomach cramps and went back to bed with EVERY INTENTION of going back to school at lunchtime. Went to sleep, woke up, looked at the clock... and fuck me, it was 2:36pm.
Mad, eh?
So yeah. That's another four absences, another 13 hours that I was meant to spend there and spent sleeping, washing up and talking over instant messenger instead. Another two days I need to forge notes to account for because my mum will never remember and I don't like to remind my dad of how much school I miss.
And now it's... 2:48 AM, and i'm lay in my bed writing some bullshit pointless boring blog that has no value in the world and will benefit nothing and no one in any way. Oh. And NOW i've gone and made it emo. Bloody flippin' Nora!
I have a maths test tomorrow, a mock for my first maths GCSE, and i'm going to FAIL it. Because it's maths, and I always FAIL when it comes to maths.
Well at least then it's friday. Weekend. Might get Daz to come and stay over. We can drink too many caffeinated drinks (haven't got enough money for alcohol) until we're lay on my bedroom floor giggling and twitching. Teenage years, crazy days.

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