Thursday, 11 June 2009

Again and again.

I think sometimes that life consists of many different cycles. There are of course the physical, biological cycles, but I don't really mean those; this is quite unsurprising as I'm hardly scientifically minded.

No, I'm talking the cycles of... how life goes and how you feel. Okay, so you go through a certain amount of time of things seeming pretty good. You enjoy this part and keep going of course, because keeping going in those times is nice. You don't even think about why you're going or even that you are, you just do it. Then it gets to that part where it's still kind of fun, but it's getting hard. You have to work more, or deal with more shit or whatever. And at those times, you have the nice times not far behind you so you're keeping sight of those times, of that light in the tunnel. Finally there's that cycle where things ain't so pleasant, where things are actually just a fucking grind and you're starting to think the light at the end of the tunnel was never there at all, that it was just a train.

Sometimes, each cycle can last about ten minutes. Especially if you're a bit impatient or have a low attention span. Heh. Nah, I think people mostly live in that middle part of the cycle... and it's probably necessary, for you to appreciate the first part. It's also necessary to have the first part so you remember to keep going throughout the third...

I may be making very little sense to anyone reading. That's fine.

I'm watching Question Time. people are shockingly nasty about Gordon Brown. I know he's botched the job up a bit, but I still think he could be worse. That's the thing everyone needs to remember in my opinion... could always be worse. We coulda lost the war and been taken over by Nazi Fascists. And all be speaking German.

Or alternatively, the BNP could have gained two seats in Europe. Oh, wait! They did.
I have to say the politics of 2009 in Britain are, so far, an utter shambles. What a bloody load of bollocks!
I love Britain, but I'm growing to hate the things we have to represent us. It seems to me that to represent us, we now have: tea, binge drinking, recession, bad dancers dressed as darth vader, and really awful politicians.

The British National Party are not anything I would like to be associated with even in the most remote sense, thank you very much. Or should I say fuck you very much? Lord knows I'm no fan of the tory party but the BNP make even them look like fluffy nice bunnies in comparison. The BNP are a fascist party who incite discriminative hatred and, due to this, I fail to understand how they're allowed to be a party. Oh, of course i support democracy and everyone having their own beliefs and a say and all, but the things these people believe and say are undeniably fucking wrong.

I think it was Nick Eriksen, of the BNP, who said that rape shouldn't be considered an offence because it was "just sex" and "women enjoy sex", was it?

yes, I think so. And I struggle to remember just which lovely member of the party said it, but certainly another member of the BNP described AIDs as "a friendly disease...blacks, drug users and gays all have it"

These people, in my opinion, are everything that is wrong with the world. Everyone's saying they only got the seats through protest votes, but I don't understand this! How the HELL can you think voting for these pretentious dastardly bastards as a protest just to say you don't like libdem, tory or labour going to fucking help? If you must do that, at least vote green or summat!

Yeah. We'll solve the issue of our main three parties being shite by voting in racist sexist homophobic fascist bastards!

Nazi Germany began in a time of a recession.
See, everyone says that history is pointless, but I'd like to point out that it repeats itself.

Everyone please just connect your brains for five minutes and remember that if you are not white, male, heterosexual and otherwise not deemed acceptable or conforming to the standards that the BNP fancy, you will not be welcome any more. Becaus they will kick you out.

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