Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Have you ever listened to Mcqueen? Y/N? I'm guessing N, because I only know about two people who have ever actually heard of them. One of them only knows them because I introduced him to them.

Anyway, Mcqueen have a song called Neurotic. I'll tell you whyyyyyyyyy I'm not neurotic! It's a song I used to listen to a LOT when grounded. it also has the lyrics stop overreacting, you're boring me.

Why I'm talking about Mcqueen may not currently make any sense to you. But, what I was going to say was, I was thinking of calling this blog "GAAH"
Just "GAAH"
Because I feel a little GAAH. But gaah is rather neurotic. And if there's one thing I try not to be, it's neurotic. Because it's just... annoying. And boring. I probably fail at this and do have neurotic tendencies, but that isn't the point.

The point is... jaysus. I'm... urrrrrrrgh. I'm so sick of the grind. its only been, what, 3 days back at school and i'm already groaning and having urges to claw bits of my skin off.

That was a tad overdramatic, but... you see my point. I won't go into the whole story because right now i'm immensely tired, but yeah, on monday there was some shit... major flashback to like, a year ago. Urrrrgh, no, no, no, not going back there plzthnx. There's still no one else standing up for me, but if I have to I will just walk out the door. There's no way I'm going to let people turn me back into the person I was before. No... I'm not willing to go back to taking eight proplus a day, skiving at every opportunity, hiding under my duvet in the mornings and just being completely absorbed in fiction. I'd rather not be quite that much of a pathetic little wreck, ta.

I don't remember what i was saying. Oh yes, i'm very tired, very fed up, very blaah. Just like a lot of poeple right now, i think.. bloody whiny blog. Don't read it. Just don't follow my blog. Srsly.

1 comment:

T.M.J said...

Love that song ^-^
As you know, as you got me to listen to it! :D

I know that you're fed up and stuff will get better. I hope school doesn't actually get any worst for you, cos it sounds pretty bad already, but i know you're strong enough to make it the few extra days left.

And i wanna follow your blog, so...nerr :)

Love you xx